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Profile 'Wauwatosa Pain Management Clinic'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Wauwatosa Pain Management Clinic is a pain clinic in the Milwaukee area that specializes in neck pain, back pain, fibromyalgia and cancer patients. The doctors treatment plan at our Milwaukee clinic is to help the patient return to the highest level of function and independence possible from their neck and back pain, while improving their overall chronic pain and all patients in treatment are required to provide our doctors with the following verifications: Recent MRI report, a complete medication printout from their pharmacy, any x-ray reports if applicable, and progress notes from past doctors. Once all of this documentation is submitted to our Milwaukee clinic, our pain management doctor will review the records, conduct an exam on the patient and start treatment for the back or neck by prescribing therapy or medication treatment as the doctor feels appropriate. Once a pain management treatment plan is in place, the patient will be at a point where their pain is manageable. Our doctors monitor the patient’s very closely to ensure that they are following their treatment plan, so that they can receive the best care possible for their chronic pain.

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