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Profile 'Montgomery Roth Architecture'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Montgomery Roth has a stellar reputation and award winning designs in the hospitality and resort industry and is the go to firm for architecture, interior design and procurement services. We can be your single source consultant to meet all of your hospitality design needs be it new construction or renovation. At Montgomery Roth, we have a very wide variety of residential projects and styles to their credit. We allow our Clients preferences to guide our approach as opposed to favoring a single style design. Let us help you with your homeā€¦no project is too small or too large. We have vast experience in Commercial interior projects. Each team member understands the client's whole-picture design goals, budgets and installation schedule. Montgomery Roth's unified approach provides full accountability for every step of the project and our streamlined process eliminates unforeseen gaps in responsibility and miscommunications.

Servicelance Introduction








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