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Profile 'MCS Roofing'

Entity Type: Individual / Freelancer
Description: MCS Roofing has offered commercial and residential roof installation, repair, and restoration solutions to Texas and Oklahoma customers for over 25 years. Our contractors are professionally trained and ready to service any commercial or residential roof type, including metal, asphalt, built-up, PVC, rubber and more.
Master Contractor Services takes every roofing job very seriously, and our commitment to customer service and excellence is second to none. Our company was founded on two basic principles: honesty and integrity. We base everything we do on these two very important values. Our customers are our top priority, and we stand firmly behind every single job that we do.

Servicelance Introduction








Servicelance caters for

Seekers of Professional Services
   Everyone wanting to get work done

Providers of Professional Services
   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)