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Profile 'Champion Green Turf & Ornamental Services'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Champion Green is a lawn care and pest control provider serving Calhoun GA, Chatsworth GA, Dalton GA and Ringgold GA.

Champion Green, Turf & Ornamental Services Technicians are the best-trained in the industry. In addition to extensive in-house lawn care training programs, they also attend professional lawn service workshops and seminars every year. They are trained to evaluate, apply and communicate. This means they look for problems or potential problems on every visit. They take the time to let the homeowner know what's being done or what needs to be done to the lawn.

We are small enough to give each customer the individual time and attention they need, but big enough to have purchasing power to get the best price for our yard products passing the savings to the customer.

Servicelance Introduction








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