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Profile 'Diabetes Prevention & Reversal'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Government Accredited and Doctor Approved Food Coach Brisbane for Diabetes, High Blood Pressure/Cholesterol and Weight Loss, for you and those you love.

Offering an 8 week course to Prevent or Reverse Type 2 Diabetes, Reducing High Cholesterol Levels and High Blood Pressure Levels naturally and Weight Loss.

Lorraine has been counselling for over 25 years and is also a qualified Clinical Hypnotist and NLP Trainer and therefore addresses both physical, mental and emotional aspects as well as diet in order to have lasting results.

No one size fits all and therefore the 8 week course is based around your individual genetics, personality and lifestyle in order for you to get results that last.

Lorraine can visit you in your home depending upon where you are located.

Contact Lorraine now to book a 1.5 hour no-obligation Success Health Consultation at her office to find out more and to receive an individualised Basic Success Plan.


Servicelance Introduction








Servicelance caters for

Seekers of Professional Services
   Everyone wanting to get work done

Providers of Professional Services
   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)