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Profile 'Webbix Solutions - A Complete Web Related Service'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Welcome to Webbix Solutions, a complete website designing, development & internet marketing company, which pioneers in providing full featured web services including B2B & B2C e-commerce solutions. Since our inception in 2009, we have built a reputation for creating a positive return on investment for our clients.

Acting as an offshore development center for overseas development firms, we feature an integrated team of web consultants, creative designers, writers, programmers and internet marketing professionals. Our profit center business-driven approach separates us from typical web design companies.

Please check the following link to see our company reviews and references.
[Link Removed]-[Link Removed]?viewprofile=webbix

Our Services:

* Web Design Services
* Logo Designs
* Template Design
* Banner Ads
* Print Media Design
* Website Redesign

* Web Development Services
* Ecommerce web development (Oscommerce, Zencart, X-cart, Magento)
* Business web development solutions
* Content Management System
* ForumBlog creation
* Newsletter Management

* Search Engine Optimization
* Directory Submission
* Article Submission
* Press Release Submission
* Social Book marking
* Link Building

* Data Entry (Online and offline)
* Website Content Writing
* Article Writing
* Press Release Writing

Skill Matrix:

* Programming and Scripting (PHP, AJAX, [Link Removed])
* Databases (MySQL, MSSQL, Ms Access)
* Web Technologies (HTMLDHTML, XHTML, CSS)
* Web Design Softwares (Adobe Photoshop, Deamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Flash)
* Opensource Integration and Customization (osCommerce, ZenCart, X-Cart, CubeCart, Magento, Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress)

Servicelance Introduction








Servicelance caters for

Seekers of Professional Services
   Everyone wanting to get work done

Providers of Professional Services
   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)