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Profile 'Central Jersey Pools Patio & More'

Entity Type: Business
Description: For over 50 years and 3 generations, the Metz family has been making sure that families all over the Central Jersey area enjoy the pleasures of outdoor and indoor leisure living centers for their homes. Central Jersey Pools, Patio & More has been providing families quality recreational environments so that they can play together, stay together, an be safe together. Their commitment to leisure living comes from over 50 years of experience that began with in-ground swimming pools, spread to all facets of backyard entertainment, and now includes numerous products for indoor recreational areas. Before any family dives into a major pool, spa, patio furniture, gazebo, sauna, or game room purchase, they should visit the family at Central Jersey Pools, Patio & More and take advantage of their 50 years of experience and product knowledge.

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