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Profile 'Karaoke Hire'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Sydney's favorite karaoke hire company.

We supply the best that is why Channel 7 Sunrise show has used our equipment and recently so has 2UE radio station.

Because your party is special we have purchased the best equipment and spent thousands of dollars updating our songs and we have included the top 100 karaoke songs of all time.

Wireless microphones, Yamaha PA's, Mackie PA's, Mackie SRM450 powered speakers, JBL speakers, quality Behringer and Shure SM58 microphones. Ask people in the music industry and they will agree, this equipment is as good as it gets.

Our friendly staff will not leave you until they are sure you are comfortable using the three button karaoke system

If our equipment is good enough for Sunrise channel 7 broadcast, then it is good enough for your party


Servicelance Introduction








Servicelance caters for

Seekers of Professional Services
   Everyone wanting to get work done

Providers of Professional Services
   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)