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Profile 'Aluna Vein Centers: Ramtin Massoudi, MD'

Entity Type: Business
Description: Dr. Massoudi and Aluna Vein Centers strive to give their patients the best medical experience with excellent service and the latest medical technologies. Founded in 2003, Aluna Vein Centers and its staff have become the Los Angeles leader in non-invasive, non-surgical medical treatments with excellent results, absolutely no discomfort, and little to no downtime whatsoever. Dr. Massoudi's areas of medical and cosmetic expertise include Sclerotherapy or Foam Sclerotherapy, Laser Vein Treatments, Microphlebectomy, EVLT (Endovenous laser treatment), VENUS Closure, and a number of other cosmetic treatments. They accept most PPO, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Aetna, Medicare, CC, Cash, and Check.

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