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Profile 'PMAC Lending Services, Inc.'

Entity Type: Business
Description: PMAC Lending Services, Inc. was founded in 1995. We are a fully approved direct lender with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae. Our retail branches and operational centers are located nationwide and we proudly service many of the loans we fund. Focused on providing home loans responsibly throughout the communities we serve, our goal is to provide an exceptional customer experience for borrowers. Together, we can help your client's achieve the dream of home ownership or help them take advantage of today's real estate investment opportunities.

The customer experience is our number one priority. We understand that communication and timeliness is a very important aspect of any mortgage transaction. Our business model, technology and unique loan process reflects just that. Our goal is to use all of our resources to make your transaction as smooth and efficient as possible.

Servicelance Introduction








Servicelance caters for

Seekers of Professional Services
   Everyone wanting to get work done

Providers of Professional Services
   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)