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Profile 'Cultivate'

Entity Type: Business
Description: The store: Cultivate is a hydroponic and organic garden center. They sell a large variety of gardening tools, accessories, and heavy equipment. There are three locations. Each location has a wide variety of accounts with other garden centers in the industry so if a customer doesn't find what they need from the three locations they can call any Cultivate location and the staff is able to contact other gardening centers. The staff members are all expert sales people and they find the best solution for any customers gardening issues. They have great advice, from tips for cold crops in heat waves to the importance of ventilation in hydroponics. They can give advice based on decades of experience and make sure that customers receive exactly what they need for their unique situations.

Servicelance Introduction








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Seekers of Professional Services
   Everyone wanting to get work done

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   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)