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Profile 'Cherdack Pain Management & Rehabilitation'

Entity Type: Business
Description: At Cherdack Pain Management & Rehabilitation, our focus is to not only treat your symptom, but the root of the problem the disease itself. Our clinic offers a team approach, using non- invasive, non-surgical techniques to treat the source of your pain. Our goal is to give patients increased mobility, relieve their pain and help them avoid surgeries. With an integrated, multi-specialty approach to pain management, we will create the plan to put you on the road to recovery. Our multidisciplinary approach to pain management or accident recovery starts with evaluation by a medical doctor. Treatment plans and services then can include: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Physical Therapy, Prescription medications, Psychological evaluations, Impairment and Disability determinations. Come in today and we'll work with you on your specific needs. Don't wait.

Servicelance Introduction








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