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Profile 'MDofPC Doctor of Computers'

Entity Type: Business
Description: We offer the only Flat Rate PC Computer Repair service in the Pittsburgh surrounding area at just $75 includes all service labor less parts, along with 20 years experience and microsoft certifications. MDofPC is your Doctor of Computers located near the Pittsburgh PA airport in coraopolis 15108 providing pc computer repair service with a 30 mile radius of our location on 84 main st found in downtown coroaopolis just a few miles from the airport. Providing computer services for desktops, laptops, notebooks, servers, workstations and much more. All of our service work includes a 30 day warranty on all labor and 90 days on parts.


Servicelance Introduction








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Seekers of Professional Services
   Everyone wanting to get work done

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   Individuals and Freelancers
   Professional mothers at home
   Skilled Students (legal ages only)